In which this is a basically Engineering and tactical ship… Given with four tactical and five engineering consoles…its makes a great medic besides Science in healing your team.

The ship is also a carrier with one hanger bay with that in mind the combat play is very akin to the Odyssey class…also it’s equip bridge station wise with a Lieutenant Commander Engineering / Command seat. The Tier Six Yamato Class comes without the console parts of the previous Exploration Cruisers, given that you have those consoles it this case it’s those consoles will give you an advantage given without one console you won’t able to use that shot gun.

STAR TREK ONLINE _ fleet tier six yamato dreadnought class Saucer seperation When comes to Saucer separation, the Spinal Phaser Lance becomes more a dual Shot gun rifle so moving into the target would require a much closer range rather without the saucer separation… The Yamato Class is like the four wheel drive, Battle Tank of the Galaxy, Venture dreadnought class its more bulk larger in size in hull, with a larger deflector shield dish, an a more a solid saucer section with a mean Spinal Phaser Lance that’s acts like a Sniper’s rifle with a taste of a bayonet. As the development from the Galaxy to the Yamato, taking its name from the Japanese Animie Battleship Yamato, also from the largest world war two Battleship constructed at the finically broken Imperial Japan at the end of the war in which gotten met it’s end with the onslaught of Allied forces. STAR TREK ONLINE _ fleet tier six yamato dreadnought classĪs the evolution of the Galaxy Dreadnought class continues into the “Yamato Dreadnought class”, a more aggressive Battleship version of the Andromeda Class… it’s like having a bad ass snipers Rifle with a bayonet at the end when it meet its opponent.