You can also spend two points on racial abilities.
You can gain additional points for further bonuses by first selecting various penalties that apply to your race. In the TRAITS & ABILITIES section, you can spend five points on special racial traits. This section allows you to enter your race's name, the callsign for your ships, your homeworld name, and a simple description of the race, as well as choose your racial logo and beginning star system. Now you can choose to customize the RACE OVERVIEW section.
EDIT: Click this link to edit the LEADER NAME, LEADER PORTRAIT and SIMPLE DESCRIPTION of your leader. It can be a still or a video, but it will only show up if your foreground has transparency. CUSTOMIZE BACKGROUND: The background provides a nice backdrop for your fearless (or fearful) leader. VIDEO: Click this link to change the video of your leader. PICTURE: Click this link to change the still picture. CUSTOMIZE FOREGROUND: The foreground is a still picture or video of your leader, and your leader can be anything or anyone you choose it to be. Here you can choose from a gallery of images for your race, background and leader's portrait, or you can upload graphics of your own creation. The first option to customize your race is the LEADER section. You can then play as this race or play against them, and even export your race for others to use. Use the CUSTOMIZE CIVILIZATION screen to create and save your own race. This will take you to the CUSTOMIZE CIVILIZATION screen. You can also create your own race by clicking the CREATE CUSTOM RACE button on the main screen. Beneath that is the race’s default abilities, its racial traits, and the bonuses those traits confer. To the right of the race’s image is its name, the name of its homeworld, the name of its leader, and the symbol that will represent it in the game. You can read specifics for each of these races in the main window. This screen allows you to choose your race by clicking on the thumbnail picture of one of the eight preset races. The CHOOSE CIVILIZATION screen is your first set of choices for what sort of game you'd like to play. 4 Step 4: Choose your Victory Conditions.